most young chinese would like a job in new mediabut they run into roadblocks from parents andsociety, a survey has found.
more than 38% of chinese younger than 26 saidtheir ideal job would be a professional electronicgamer, 27% want to work as a social media writerand 20% want to be a broadcaster on live-streamingplatforms, according to the 2017 blue book of thesociety released by the chinese academy of socialsciences last wednesday.
the report was based on answers from 9,000 respondents, including 2,143 younger than 26.

while 76% of young people said they could envisage such a career, only 18% of parentssupported those ambitions, the report said.
almost a third of young respondents were hesitant to tell others about their interests, worryingthat they would be marginalized.
but the generation gap is narrowing, said wang xiaobing, chief research officer at the tencentcenter for internet and society, one of the three authors of the report.
"some parents, who objected to their children doing live-streaming at the very beginning,tended to change to support after they found their children could make good money from that,"he said.