china's population of emerging social class, whohave emerged since the reform and opening-uppolicy launched in 1978, stands at 72 million people,according to a report.
48 million of them are managers or technicians atprivate and foreign-funded companies, 14 millionfrom intermediary organizations and socialorganizations, 11 million are freelance, and 10million work at new media. some people have two ormore occupations.
in beijing, high-income earners account for 8.4% of the city's population. the number is 14.8percent in shanghai, and 13.6% in guangzhou, according to a blue book published by thechinese academy of social sciences.

the average annual income of the high-income earners in 2016 is 166,403 yuan, or double theamount of the national average.
average spending among these earners in last year was over 131,459 yuan, or 1.7 times thenational average.
but the majority of the new class doesn't believe their family or themselves belong to the mid-income class.
the blue book analyzed that since the new class is mainly living in large cities, high housingprices and work pressure made them not believe that they belong to the mid-income class.